How Clean is Your Workplace?

Maintaining a clean workplace is not always the easiest task, especially in a busy office or showroom. That being said, it is worthwhile investing in cleaning services and products which prevent the spread of germs. The office is often a breeding ground for the common cold, especially during the colder months. Keep your employee’s flu free by taking control of your commercial hygiene.

It’s impossible to be completely bacteria free, but you can try and take steps towards a cleaner, healthier workplace.

So, how do you keep your workplace clean as a whistle?

If you work in an office – sanitizing wipes are a great way to quickly and effortlessly clean up your work station. The great thing about these types of wipes is that they are individually packaged so it means you can carry them in your pocket or purse. They are also very easy to dispose of. If you have a company car – especially one that you might share, it is a good idea to wipe down the steering wheel every occasionally.

The staff kitchen can host a variety of germs and daily wipe down of the benches usually isn’t enough. Don’t forget to wipe down any handles and cupboards with hot water on a regular basis. Fridges should be completely emptied out to check for any rotten or expired food that someone might have forgotten to eat. Coffee machines also cause a fair bit of mess and the area should be cleaned very thoroughly.

Other commonly used items such as printers, scanners, even coffee machines & microwaves tend to be a place where bacteria are built up. These sorts of areas need to be cleaned everyday– not just wiped down.

Other than spreading awareness of the threats of an unhygienic workplace, you need to make sure that your employees have everything they need to keep the spread of germs, dust, and bacteria from spreading everywhere. The obvious place to start is the staff bathrooms. Ensuring they are well stocked with paper towels, hand dryers and soap means that everyone can wash their hands. Soap commonly runs out quickly so it is important that you have enough stock to keep the dispensers full during the working week. Luckily Rapid Hygiene can help with that with our wide range of soap and paper towel dispensers.

To sort out your office hygiene why not have a chat with one of our friendly Rapid Hygiene team members? Call us on 1800 92 77 92

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